Created by the internationally acclaimed author Elif Shafak, the story follows the lives of two star-crossed lovers stretching from Germany to Turkey. Menekşe (Sedef Avcı) is a twenty-year-old Turkish girl from an immigrant family working at a local patisserie in Berlin. Halil (Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ) is a young Bosnian man who also works there. Even though they are madly in love, Menekşe’s conservative father arranges a marriage with a Turkish man in exchange for a bride price. Received a death threat by her own father, Menekşe has no choice but to follow the tradition and get married. Determined not to give up on each other, Menekşe and Halil escape to Istanbul together after a short while to start a new life. However, both her newly-wed husband and her family hunt them down to perform an honor killing of the lovers. Now is the time to fight for their love.