A modern adaptation of the classic novel by one of the forefathers of Turkish Literature, Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil, the story takes place in the Ziyagil household. The patriarch of the family, Adnan (Selçuk Yöntem) is a wealthy businessman living in a historical mansion along the coast of Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul. After the loss of his wife a decade ago, Adnan devotes his life to his daughter Nihal (Hazal Kaya) and his son Bülent (Batuhan Karacakaya). Also residing there is his orphaned nephew Behlül (Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ), who goes to college. In the middle of all, a beautiful young woman named Bihter (Beren Saat) marries Adnan and becomes his new wife
outshining her mother Firdevs (Nebahat Çehre). However, Behlül and Bihter desperately fall for each other after a short while. Their secret love affair soon shakes the inner dynamics of every single relationship within the household.