A modern adaptation of the famous novel written by Kerime Nadir, Fallen Apart tells a tragic love story between Kenan (Barış Arda Hacıoğlu) and Nalan (Sezgi Sena Akay). Kenan is an orphan adopted by Nalan’s wealthy father, Azmi (Selçuk Özer). After moving into their mansion as a kid, he meets Nalan. Growing up together over fifteen years, they become best friends. He graduates from school as a sea captain and starts sailing. Coming back from one of his long overseas trips, Kenan realizes that Nalan turned out to be a beautiful young lady. Now both in their mid-twenty, Kenan and Nalan fall in love desperately. However, they cannot dare to confess their love towards each other. Soon enough, Kenan and Nalan realize that there people to prevent their love from blossoming as well.