New Life is a story of two families with distinct backgrounds and the chain of reactions that happens when their paths are crossed. Everything begin when Adem (Serkan Çayoğlu), who is a retired soldier in the Special Forces, is presented with a business opportunity. He gets hired by a wealthy businessman called Timur (Tayanç Ayaydın). All he needs to do is to protect Yasemin (Melisa Aslı Pamuk) as her bodyguard. After accepting the job offer, he and his family step into a different world. As a family man who needs to provide for his wife and daughter, Adem expects the job to be much easier compared to the operations in the military. His family can finally be secure financially. However, soon the perfect picture starts to show its dark side. Adem finds out that Yasemin who appears to lead the life of a fairy tale is imprisoned by her husband. She feels no different than the princess trapped in the tower. As she carefully plans her liberation, Yasemin is unprepared to have someone watch over
you day in and day out. Having Adem as her bodyguard is going to be one of the biggest obstacles to achieving her goal.