Adapted from a novel by one of the greatest authors in Turkish literature, Orhan Kemal, the dramatic story revolves around a young woman who aspires to become an actress. Set in the sixties, the Turkish film industry, where nearly two hundred motion pictures are shot a year, is more vibrant than ever. Nuran (Şükran Ovalı) leads
a humble life in one of the villages in Adana. Due to the tradition, she gets sold to a man for a bride price by her family. Her only salvation is to run away with her lover, Reşat (İlker Aksum). However, after learning that he cheated on her, Nuran sets out to Istanbul to follow her dream of becoming a movie star. Kenan (Cansel Elçin), a
famous film director, decides to give Nuran a chance and help her get noticed. Nevertheless, her future may not be as bright as it seems when neither Reşat nor her family leaves her alone in the big city.