It is hard to grow up. A remake of the American series Dawson’s Creek, the story revolves around a close group of four teenagers living in one of the coastal towns of Turkey. They all have dreams. Deniz (İbrahim Kendirci) is an aspiring director who tries to break away from the safe family environment. Aslı (Pelin Karahan), who has a strong and idealist personality, dreams to become a doctor. Efe (Dağhan Külegeç) who always tries to cover up his darkness with a relaxed and humorous demeanor working his way to open up a restaurant, whereas Mine (Aslı Enver) is a rebellious girl striving to become an interpreter. As they move through life, they question the ideas of love, friendship, and family. In the coming-of-age story, all put up a fight in hopes to make their dreams come true.