Set in the coastal city of Bodrum, Waves is the story of the Ergüven family. Evren (Murat Aygen) is a wealthy businessman living a privileged life with his wife Yıldız (Şevval Sam) and his children; Ateş (Alperen Duymaz) and Su (Dilan Çiçek Deniz) in the city of Istanbul. After a series of risky investment decisions fueled by his greed, Evren declares bankruptcy. The family loses everything they own overnight. The only assets remaining are an old house inherited from Yıldız’s father and partial ownership of a modest hotel in the city of Bodrum. Forced to leave their luxurious life and move to a run-down house in a new location, they must start from scratch. However, none of the family members are ready for a change this big. There, Evren has his mistress Gözde (Toprak Sağlam), whereas Yıldız has her first love, Faryalı (Timuçin Esen) who owns the other half of the hotel. All hell breaks loose when Evren attempts to sell it to start making money against Yıldız’s wish to protect her father’s legacy. Amidst the chaos, Ateş and Su start experiencing the struggles of life for the first time. The family is put to a harsh test.