A poor college student named Havin (Naz Elmas) attends an upscale party as a call girl in hopes of saving herself from financial struggle. After meeting the son of a wealthy family, Baran (Özcan Deniz), Havin’s life changes forever. They form a strong bond in a short period. Planning to get married soon, the couple gets into a car accident where Havin is injured seriously. Baran’s mother, Kumru (Nebahat Çehre), who does not support her son’s relationship, sees the mishap as an opportunity to get rid of Havin. She offers a large amount of money in exchange for leaving Baran by posing dead. Havin, who was hesitant at first, accepts the deal. Devastated by her loss, Baran moves on with his life and marries Duygu (Burcu Kara) after years of grief. However, everything turns upside down for Baran when one day he bumps into a woman called Sibel, who he believes is Havin. Now married with children, Baran is at a crossroads in his life.