Set in the sixties, the story revolves around the dramatic events in the lives of the Akarsu family. Ali (Erkan Petekkaya) is a captain who sails long voyages regularly. He lives with his wife Cemile (Ayça Bingöl) and their four children; Berrin (Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy), Mete (Aras Bulut İynemli), Aylin (Farah Zeynep Abdullah) and Osman (Emir
Berke Zincidi). All hell breaks loose one day when the family members find out that Ali has an affair with a Dutch woman named Caroline (Wilma Eles). As tension builds up in the household, the mistress’s unannounced visit to Istanbul turns the life of the patriarch of the family upside down. Desperate to figure out what to do, things get
even worse for Ali when his wife stabs his mistress and goes to jail. A true test of character awaits him when he finds no one to blame other than himself.